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This product includes Class Files (Covers and Class Inserts) for the Cleric class with the Cleric class icon. It does not include Custom Covers. This product is optimized for Dungeons and Dragons 2014 rules.   


Wanting more immersion in your DnD games?
Looking for help understanding and keeping track of rules and abilities? 
Tired of the default character sheet?

Tell your characters' stories your way with custom Character Journals made for them.


The DnD 5E Character Journal lets you build custom Journals for your DnD characters: 

  • Print and bind your Journals at home
  • Choose from over 300 covers
  • Store all character information in one place
  • Detailed trackers for all 12 core classes
  • Supports multiclass characters
  • Optional pages to meet your needs - magic items, familiars, wild shape form, spellbook
  • Flexible licensing - print Journals for your friends (just don't share the files)


The Character Journal comes as a set of PDF files in A4 and Letter size with clear assembly and usage instructions.


Check out some example Journals.



  • You'll receive a file containing a download link and password for your items
  • After downloading your files, follow the Getting Started guide for detailed instructions of each stage of the Journal creation process (see here for an overview of the process):
    1. Determine printing alignment
    2. Choose and prepare pages
    3. Print pages
    4. Cut pages
    5. Assemble and bind your Journal
    6. Fill extra information
  • The included usage guides describe how to get the most from your Journal
  • Add a new class, or expand your inventory? No problem! The Journal is expandable so you can add further pages as your character's story grows.


Check out videos of the process.



  • To assemble the Character Journal, you'll need access to a color printer and a pair of scissors or guillotine. Various options are provided for how to bind the Journal, some of which require access to specific tools.





    • Cover Pages
      • Cover files in Cleric Class Scheme (A4 and Letter)
    • Class Inserts
      • Cleric Class Insert files with Cleric Class icon (A4 and Letter)
      • Guide for using the Cleric Class Insert
    • General Files
      • Guides describing how to prepare, print, bind and use Character Journals
      • Overview files showcasing Journal pages and options



    • This product does not include Interior Files for the Journal, which are included in a typical Journal.
    • You can get access to Interior Files here.
    • The best value option for the Character Journal is to purchase a Bundle such as the All In All Files Bundle, which includes all (over 700!) files for greatest customizability.



    • Please let me know if you have any feedback on the Character Journal or any ideas to help you streamline your adventuring sessions. I'm always happy to help!
    • Want to stay updated with DanDMadeEasy? Subscribe to my newsletter

    Cleric Class Files

    • As the Character Journal is delivered as a collection of digital files, you'll be able to print as many Journals as you want for as many of your characters as you want!

      You can also print Character Journals for others! (See Licensing)

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