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NOTE: this product is free for DanDMadeEasy newsletter subscribers

Does rolling for initiative take too long at your table?


You can make it FAST and FUN with meeples! Grab a few meeples from your favorite board game, put them in a bag, and pull them out to determine initiative order!


This set of files describes how to use meeples or other tokens to determine initiative, and includes printable meeple badges, nameplates, first and last player markers, "my turn" and "my turn next" markers so it's clear to everyone at the table whose turn it is.  


Meeples are not included, but some purchase options for them are presented, and it's possible to use Meeple Initiative with just the files included. 



  • You'll receive a file containing a download link and password for your items
  • After downloading your files:
    • Follow the Meeple Initiative guide for detailed instructions of how to play with meeple initiative
    • Then follow the separate guides for detailed instructions on how to make meeple badges, nameplates, and markers



  • If you want to use meeple initiative with real meeples, you'll need these, and a small fabric bag would help too – but you can use meeple initiative with just the files included, by making a set of Meeple Badges and shuffling them to draw initiative
  • To assemble meeple badges, nameplates, and markers, you'll need access to a color printer and a pair of scissors or guillotine; optionally, if you want to laminate them, you'll need a laminator and laminating pouches, too 
  • If you want to reuse Meeple Nameplates, I recommend using a dry wipe marker (if you laminate them) or a pencil or erasable pen (if you don't) to add names for players, allies and enemies



  • I included meeples badges and nameplates in most of the common meeple colors (12 in total)
  • If you want more colors, let me know - it's quick to add them!

Fast, fun initiative for TTRPGs - Meeple Initiative

    • You can use the files for personal use or to create items for use by fellow adventurers (non-commercial use) yourself
    • You cannot share the files with others (exception – a parent or guardian can share files with a minor to help them create their own items)
    • You cannot use the files or products made using them for commercial use (if you want to, reach out for Commercial Licensing)
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